Remembering WW II Veterans

Today, on the first anniversary of my mother’s passing, I want to share her 2007 post about Veteran’s Day recalling her uncles who fought in World War II.

–Nancy Susanna Breen


Throughout my childhood, November 11 was called Armistice Day to commemorate the end of World War I  at 11 o’clock on the 11th day of the 11th month – the war to end all wars.  Then came World War II and somewhere along the line the name was changed to Veterans Day to honor the veterans of all wars.

There were many veterans in my family during World War II.  Three of my uncles served for the entire duration of the war.  The first uncle, Frank, was drafted before Pearl Harbor, just months after he had married a young girl who had to wait for 4 years before they could resume their married life.  Frank sent great letters home to everyone, including me.  My mother thought he made my letters especially history/geography related, assuming I’d be taking them to school and he was right.  Almost every day, someone brought a…

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I'm a published poet, retired editor, accumulate all kinds of stuff, and am an obsessive needleworker. I seem to be at my best in a jumble.

8 thoughts on “Remembering WW II Veterans”

  1. I was thinking of you and your entire family today — bless your hearts! I miss your mama almost as much as you. It’s freeing cold here today so Andy suggested we make her brownies in her memory today………….think we’ll do that and remember all her great stories!

  2. Thank you so much for this; I also was so very blessed, pleased and surprised to see this post. I always read her posts first when they came up, it was like having a wonderful grandmother again. I had forgotten what a treasure trove of recipes she published, and they still are such a blessing. And again as I read them I feel like I am spending time with my gramma. Your mom was an amazing woman, and I am so pleased to have had the opportunity to follow her even for a short time. Thank you for posting this for all of us that loved and followed your mom.

  3. Thanks for the repost. I don’t get e-mails when there’s a post any more, so I just found it when I came to look for something I know will be here. She’s still giving. =)

  4. Thank you so much! I appreciate you sharing. I used to check in on her site posts often. I loved and copied many of her recipes!
    I missed her when the site went down.
    Did you ever hear or read the old Kichen Klatter Magazine?

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