Civil War Quilt – Block 2

North Star or Sawtooth Star

This is Block #2 in a block-of-the-week Civil War Quilt series offered by Barbara Brackman at Civil War Quilts.

Go to Barbara’s post to get the block picture and measurements for an 8-inch finished block.  For new quilters, this is how I assembled the block.

For this quilt, I chose to use as the center a picture of my oldest daughter in Civil War garb, taken in Gettysburg.

I scanned the picture, printed it on Inkjet Printable Fabric (Precious Treasures), then trimmed to 3-1/2 inches.  I used some neutral fabric to form a frame around the picture and to bring it to the correct 4-1/2 inch size.  Of course, any fabric you choose can be used as the center square.

Place the pieces on a mat, using the picture from the Civil War Quilts post as a guide.

Sew the center section of row 1, using 1/4-inch seams.

Press seam toward dark fabric.  Sew remaining triangle to center.

Press and trim.

Sew a 2-1/2 inch light block to either end of the center piece to complete row 1.

In row 2, complete the two side pieces as above.  Then, sew each completed piece to  a side of the center 4-1/2 inch square.

Complete the bottom row …

….and join the three rows.  Press and trim to an 8-1/2 inch block

Be sure to check out the very interesting story and photographs that Barbara includes with her free patterns.

Civil War Quilts

Note: I find it helpful to copy and paste the picture and measurements from the post and print it out for reference while I’m working.  When the block is completed, I place it along with the reference sheet in a plastic sleeve and file in a binder.

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Lillian Applegate Westfelt was a mother of 4, grandmother of 6, and great-grandmother of 3. She was an 86-year-old widow living in a nice little bungalow with her oldest daughter and a beagle-dachsund named Addie. She passed away in November, 2018.

9 thoughts on “Civil War Quilt – Block 2”

    1. The first two blocks have been very easy but she doesn’t give any instructions for sewing the pieces together. When I was a new quilter, that would have really thrown me, which is why I’m adding how I put the block together.

      I’d love to see what you do with your blocks. Lillian

  1. Thanks for sharing your blocks. I’ve made them too, but not yet blog about them. I too cut and paste them on the Publisher and store with the finished blocks. Great idea – Hugs Nat

    1. Thanks for your comments and for introducing me to your blog. I’ve added it to my feed so I’ll be looking forward to seeing pictures of your Civil War blocks, along with all the other interesting things on your blog. Lillian

  2. i would like to know if you have the pattern for a quilt its called civil war notes to home? if you do please let me know how much it would be. if not where can i get one. thank you mary rogers

  3. that was the pattern i wanted but it wont let me down load. i emailed them but havent heard from them yet. thanks for tring to help me. mary rogers

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